our mission

To provide a consulting service that fire departments, manufacturers and other leaders within the fire service can rely on for educated, well-vetted information and advice regarding the movement of water from hydrant to nozzle.

Dennis is one of the great minds in the fire service today. His attention to detail and drive comes from a deep well of passion for improving firefighters and their operations. The true magnitude of his contributions may not be realized by the masses for another generation but I can’t wait and reccomend to everyone with engine company inquiries to follow him closely.
— Brian Brush, Firefighter Edmond FD (Oklahoma)


  • We work with the Local utility district to understand the water delivery infrastructure that exits in your jurisdiction - this drives much of the balance of our process.
  • Review of current apparatus specifications including compartment design, pump design, plumbing layout and hose bed configuration.
  • Comparison of predominant construction and fire problem to styles of hose load, quantities of hose carried and nozzle selection.
  • Discussion and advice on the most reliable types of nozzles and appliances.
  • Evaluation of in-service hose stock for warranty issues or other defects that could impede water flow.
  • Education on how to conduct a thorough in-house  test of new hose to ensure durability.
  • Discussion and consulting to determine accurate friction loss for in-service hose, layout and design of pump operator charts.
  • Review mid-rise to high-rise procedures and provide feedback on best practices regarding attack packages and building supply.